Kiss bread recipe (vegan cheese bread)

Kiss bread recipe

Kiss bread: vegan recipe that won the heart even of those who are not vegan. This is the "cheese bread" version free of animal products, ideal for those who have lactose intolerance or have chosen not to eat animal products.

The version of this "cheese bread" without lactose that I am going to teach you today is super simple and made with ingredients easily found in supermarkets: it takes mandioquinha (or baroa potato depending on the region where you live), starch and some spices. But it's a recipe that allows for variations and, instead of cassava, we can use sweet potatoes or cassava, for example.

It is also a very practical recipe, because you can prepare the balls and still raw freeze, to bake whenever you feel like or receive that unexpected visit. Kissing bread is pure love! Continue here at TudoReceitas and check out the preparation of the kiss bread recipe flavored with lemon pepper and saffron right away.

Ingredients for making kissing bread (vegan cheese bread):

 1 cup cooked and mashed cassava

 2 cups of sweet sprinkles

 1 cup of sour sprinkles

 1 cup of olive oil

 6 tablespoons of water

 3 tablespoons chia

 1 teaspoon turmeric powder

 1 teaspoon salt

 1 teaspoon of lemon pepper

How to make kissing bread (vegan cheese bread):

Separate all the ingredients from the kiss bread. Use lemon pepper that does not take any added salt (if you want, prepare your homemade lemon pepper), if yours has salt, do not add the salt that is on the list.

Tip: a tip for cooking cassava is to bake it or cook it in the microwave so that it stays dry without adding water. Then just crush it with a fork and wait for it to cool before applying it to the dough.

Start by mixing all the dry ingredients in a bowl: the starch, chia seeds, saffron, salt and lemon pepper.

Tip: take the opportunity to preheat the oven to 200ºC (high oven).

Then add the mandioquinha, the oil and the water, starting with only 4 tablespoons of water. At this point, it's literally hands-on: stir the dough with your hands until it forms a homogeneous dough.

Tip: the moisture point of the dough can vary according to some factors such as the brand of the starch and the way the cassava was cooked. Therefore, in this step I suggest not to put all the water.

If you notice that the dough is still crumbly, add the remaining 2 tablespoons of water, otherwise don't add more, otherwise it will be too soft. The dough of this bread without cheese will be like this, very easy to work with, like a modeling clay. You will love working with this dough! It's time to shape the balls, start by dividing the dough into 15 equal parts.

Make balls with the dough and place them in a baking dish greased with oil. Bake in a preheated 200 degree oven for approximately 30 minutes.

Tip: in this step you can separate a part and freeze, if you prefer!

The result is a light and "puxentinha" dough like traditional cheese bread and with the light flavor of manioc.

You can also vary the seeds of your bread by replacing the chia with flax seeds, for example! Saffron can be exchanged for a spice such as cumin, powdered coriander or a fine herb of your taste.

While the bread bakes and perfumes the whole house, heat the water for that cup of tea, set up the table and get ready to enjoy your bread of kiss (cheese bread with mandioquinha). Enjoy your food!

Did you like the recipe? Leave a comment below and also check out these vegan recipes:

Vegan green broth

Vegan Vegetable Risotto

Crispy pumpkin and cabbage soup

If you liked the recipe for Pão de kissing (vegan cheese bread), we suggest you to enter our category of Simple Bread Recipes. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read about the Sponge cake with cherry recipe/ rooster broth recipe/ baked rooster recipe/ squash locro recipe/ hen aguadito recipe.


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